Online, 25 September 2020

Our partners Novamont and ECNP presented Funguschain project to the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR). The web meeting which was hosted by the Minister and organized in collaboration with the European Research Promotion Agency (APRE), counted on the participation of Prof. Gaetano Manfredi – Minister of University and Research and John Bell – Director Healthy Planet – Directorate General for Research and Innovation – European Commission.

The title of the session was: The role of the “Public-Private Partnership Biobased Industry” (BBI JU) in the effective implementation of the Italian biobased industry. The aim of the event was to learn about the innovation developed in Italy thanks to BBI JU funded projects and to promote them towards regional and national institutions involved in the drafting of post COVID recovery plans and Smart Specialisation Strategies, but also towards Italian private and public actors active in the sector who have not yet taken advantage of the opportunities offered by the BBI JU.